We are so excited that Spud, Lorenzo, Pinball, Jason, Gummy Bear, Luciano, McFly, Courtney, Pirouette, Sour Patch, Sardine, Julia, Skeeball, Twizzler, Freddy & Plie, Hermione & Teddy, Miguel & Arcade, Jemmie, Otto, and Spirit found their forever homes last week!!
We are so excited that Tux & Forrest, McFlurry, Pointe, Air Hockey, Cheddar, Harry, Rocket Pop, Zelda, Chucky, Big Mac, Linley, Ron, Genevieve, Marvin, Muriel, Ronald, Nugget, and McMuffin found their forever homes last week!! We are so excited that Rhodie, Creamsicle, Hilda, and Mozzarella found their forever homes last week! We are so excited that Chase, Ramona, Boba, Rus, Honeydew, Dee Dee, Marill, Piplup, Sausage, Rancho & Lucky, Jerry, Pickles, Xena, Gage, Tex & Maurine, and Chardonnay found their forever homes last week! We are so excited that Sersi, Denzel, Westley, Dice, Lars, Genevieve, Randolph, Mei Mei, Trixy, Domino, Zoey, and Elena found their forever homes last week! |
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December 2024